Here's How We Can Generate New Inquiries For You

Every Single Month Using Instagram Without You Having To

Lift a Finger

(Without Paid Ads, Spending 24/7 on Instagram, or Being Spammy) 👀


Want our team to simplify your lead generation and give you your time back by having us FIND and NURTURE newly engaged couples on Instagram, delivering warm leads directly to your inbox?


(Limited Spots Remaining)

Do you feel like no matter how much you post on Instagram, the number of inquiries you get is never satisfying enough, and that you don’t know if your content is actually being seen by potential clients?

Or that no matter how much TIME you spend on the platform each day, the number of couples inquiring with you about their wedding never seems to go up?

Maybe you internally cringe at the thought of interacting with recently engaged strangers who don’t know you, so you just hope they’ll find you first, and keep just blissfully posting, missing out on leads, and burying your head in the sand.

Or you might have spent hundreds of dollars on social media management, which maybe saved you time, but still didn’t see the jump in inquiries you were hoping for.

On top of that...

You're working round the clock, answering emails, editing, crafting timelines, responding to new inquiries, blogging, networking, sending vendors photos, booking travel, creating albums, and not having a moment in your day to sit down and BREATHE.

You don’t HAVE THE TIME to search for leads, let alone nurture them.

You may have even reached the stage where you feel like you’re not providing your existing couples with the 5-star service you want to give them because you're stretched so thin and are wearing too many hats.

Stop waiting for your clients to find you

Are you tired of the feast-or-famine cycle that comes with being a wedding photographer?

Yes, you’ve already got a steady stream of inquiries coming in, but with the algorithm changes, new trends, and people competing with you for Google’s top search results, wouldn’t it be nice to have one source of leads that you know is consistent, and completely taken care of?

It's time to start seeing a bigger return for all of that time, effort, and maybe even money you’ve spent on Instagram and implement a proven system into your business, improving your consistency and optimizing your brand awareness, without having to spend even more time on the platform.

Take a look at these results...

When we first started using this system with this client, they were averaging 15-18 inquiries per month through Instagram. After working together and implementing our lead gen strategy, we were able to support them with generating even more.

Now, with our help, this client is averaging 24 new inquiries every month/6 inquiries PER WEEK through Instagram ALONE.

This is just a snippet we've pulled - be sure to check out the yearly figure further down 👀

This resulted in $12,000 + in sales for their business every month.

Just imagine someone giving your Instagram that extra push, and really maximizing the number of leads you're receiving from it! What would that mean for you and your business, and maybe even your family?

Now, guess what we did next?




This system helped our client generate over $191,000 in sales for their business over a 16 month period.

I'm Holly, founder of The Genie VA. We specialize in helping wedding photographers get more leads every month by optimizing the way they’re using Instagram, and taking their lead generation completely off their plate.

In return, our clients are surpassing 10K months (from Instagram bookings ALONE), having more time to spend on what they WANT to do, and having peace of mind that someone is working behind the scenes to help them get results.

They're not having to do any of the lead generation themselves, they just take care of the lead once they've submitted an inquiry

Best of all, they have more time to focus on their passion, communicate with their clients, and focus on those big goals.

Happy Client

"She has been a vital member of my team and has played a CRUCIAL ROLE in the success of my business.

Holly is meticulous in her approach and ensures that everything is done to the highest standard.

I highly recommend Holly as a virtual assistant. She is reliable, efficient, and a great asset to any business. Her hard work and dedication have helped me to achieve my goals and I am confident that she will do the same for anyone who chooses to work with her. She is truly a valuable member of my team."

- Megan Breukelman | Megan & Kenneth Photography

Imagine If...

📆 You no longer had to spend hours on Instagram, manually engaging and interacting with potential leads

⏳ You had someone who knows EXACTLY where to find your ideal clients taking actionable steps to point them directly to your profile

📈 You could avoid the internal cringe you feel every time you comment on a stranger's post, because we’re doing it FOR you – in your brand voice!

✨ You could focus more on what you love, feeling confident about the return Instagram is giving you, and being excited about getting your brand in front of new clients every single day

And No Longer Had To Worry About...

🥴 Monitoring how well every single post and reel is doing, trying to figure out the magic equation that will get you more leads

😤 Frustration from not having a reliable lead generation system and just waiting to see which lead source performs the best each month

🧗🏼‍♀️ Trying to stay consistent and routinely checking Instagram each day, when all you want to be doing is shooting weddings!

👩‍🤝‍🧑 Having to train and handhold a new team member, but instead, start reaping the results of more time and more leads from the offset


By having us implement a proven lead generation system that helps you get more inquiries flowing into your inbox seamlessly.


Happy Client

“I’m just kicking myself for not finding her sooner!

"I think our time is the MOST valuable thing in the world, and with Holly on my team, I’ve been able to get so much of it back.

Whether it’s time to make dinner, clean my house, or spend time with my family - I’m no longer bogged down trying to do it all."

- Paige Kuffel / Kuffel Photography

This Is For You If:

💸 You're A Wedding Photographer Who Wants More Leads 💸

Whether you're still building your business or are an established photographer hitting 6+ figures a year, this is perfect for you if you want more leads through Instagram! You're ready to start making the most of this platform and stop relying on the algorithm to show your ideal clients your content, while still showing up authentically on your profile!


Talk Soon!

Holly Smith

I can't wait to chat with you more on our call! If you need to reschedule, you can easily do so on the booking link, but please be aware I will not offer rescheduled calls to no-shows!

I want to make the most out of our time together, so please be sure to take the call in a quiet room and prepare any questions you may have before the call!

Need Help?

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